Tuesday, March 21, 2017


I think this is trying to say that devil has is trying to demolish the Jew . I think this is going out to all the people because of Adolf Hitler . It works on other people because they are getting sent to camps . I think it's effective because also it looks like that satinc thing is going to eat that person . I think that this satanic thing is only going for Jews because it has a Jew symbol in the middle of his head .

Friday, March 17, 2017

The women's rights movement

The book that I read it all talks about covering the women's rights movement . Also it talks about different people what gender they are and talk about different rules .  It talks about documents covering the women sights movement from the colonial times to present time . Also one of my favorite quotes from the book is by rosa parks " I would like to be known as a person who is concerncd about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people " . I think that everybody should equal rights as a women . Also when I was reading the book my mom retell me about women's rights . 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I regretted going inside my friends car and go deliver something for someone that need it . Also this happened last year over the summer . When me and my friend were in the car we were driving 16 miles away from chicago . Then 15 minutes later I hear the police siren and I'm like yo I'm going to hop off the car and go as far as I can . But then he said no stay in the car and be cool and then I was like ok I'll stay in the car , but I was feeling nervous because I told him we're going to get locked up . When the police came to side of the driver he identify something suspicious in the car and then he was like get out and then he told me to get out of the car and go to his car . Then he said to put your hands against the car and I like no and then I took off on him .