Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Poverty in the Chicago area

The issue is that many people in the Chicago land area live in the poverty . Especially in the south side Chicago there's many people families that live in poverty .

Background information 
A study from September 18 , 2014 says that more than 1.3 million people in the Chicago metro area live in poverty also for one child in Chicago the poverty rate is higher . One in five children in hcisgo lives in poverty . Also other people feel bad for the kid do that live in poverty because they don't got nice shoes , nice cloths to wear . They can't afford these things because there parents don't make a lot of money to expensive things . Chicago is one city that has been hit with hard poverty . Also it has lost much business and industry . It has lost much of its middle class population. Then it has experience an increased crime rate in Chicago .

Background information about the percents of people living in poverty  
 Next , in Chicago , most of the south  and west sides have 40 to 60 percent of residents living below the poverty level . Chicagos neighborhoods like Englewood , park manor and Woodlawn have poverty rates over 60 percent . More than one third of chicago's black residents are poor . A majority of the black population have more than 30 percent of families living in poverty . A study shows that in 2014 11.3 percent of black peoples were unemployment so there will be living in poverty . Also 5.3 percent of white people were unemployment. So they will be living if in poverty . Others should host events and collect money .

Helping the families and people that need new things 
We should care because families and people have hunger issues because they don't  have money to buy food . Also we can chang this by raising money also food pantarys to give food to the people that live in poverty in the Chicago land area . Next , us people should care because they face difficult things in life.
 Also the money will be used for to buy new cloths and new shoes for them to wear . Also events like a food drives to collect food and give it to the people that live in poverty . They need food because so,e families can't afford food for there children

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